Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Starting Point.

My name is Becks and I would like to thank you for stopping by my blog.

This is my first blog I have ever tried to run so we'll see how it goes.

I am delighted to have you along for the ride and I hope that by reading about my journey I can inspire yours.

Everyone in my life has always told me at one point or another that I should write a book about my life, but I never felt as though there was enough story to my life to end it well, nobody likes a bad ending right?

My life has not been easy, infact it has probably faced more pain, heartache, death, depression, medical problems, suicidal thoughts, confusion, social ineptitude, loneliness, frustration, financial woes and face plants in the proverbial dirt than any person just about to embark upon their thirtieth year in existance should ever have to face.

If you would like to read a bit more about my back story let me know and I will write a bit detailing the things that have brought me to the point I am at now. I have decided to not start off with a lot of back story at the time being because this blog is not meant to be a depressing recount of the past, but a progress report of the present and the future to come. I will during blogs provide some back story to help my readers understand what I have gone through because I do believe it's important to understand where someone has come from to appreciate where they are.

This blog, if it does as I hope it will, will be used to show myself that I can set and achieve my goals, a progress report to see what works and what doesn't in making changes and a reminder to stay focused and make those changes solid.

I hope to learn more about myself, others and open myself to new experiences through self discovery. By documenting these events I will be able to look back on them from time to time as a way to make sure I do not get lazy in my goals. I suppose you could say it is me being my own mother, I am putting it on paper for the world and my self to see so that I may learn from my experiences even beyond living them and I can hold myself accountable for what I have or have not done and by doing so be able to grow.

In addition to helping myself I hope that I will be able to reach out to others who may have walked a similar path as me, ever felt the way I've felt or most simply put, anyone out there that may need a little something to help them realize there is more to life than the down side and with a little self exploration and building the right foundation there can be hope.

This is a judgment free zone. Your background, your problems, what you look like, your sex, race, sexual preference, NONE of it matters here. This is simply a blog for anyone suffering no matter how big or how small that is looking for a better way. I am not saying my answers are right for everyone, infact I'm still in the early stages of paving my road to happiness. There will probably be snags in my design along the way, but I am only human and as long as I give it my best shot than I know that eventually I will find what works.

We all have to start somewhere and just keep laying one brick at a time, if one does not work, it can be reomved and replaced with one that does.

If blogging my efforts to reach my goals helps you in some way to reach your own goals I am pleased. I like to believe that my life has been filled with so many obstacles for a purpose, if that purpose is to tell my story and share my experiences in the attempt of helping someone who may be in a position I have been in or helping them avoid being in a similar position that makes everything worth it.

Thank you for taking the time to read.
Take Care

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